Sizes for Virtual Machines in Azure
Microsoft Azure provides a wide range of sizes and types of virtual machines to address your organization's needs. These specialized virtual machines are available with single, multiple, or fractional GPUs. These sizes are designed for compute-intensive, graphics-intensive, and visualization workloads. This interactive table provides you with a quick and easy description of each type. Explore what Microsoft Azure has to offer! Contact us for a personalized demo.
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Sizes for Virtual Machines in Azure
published by Connecting Point
Connecting Point is a Regional Leader in Networking, Internet, Cloud Solutions, Business Products, and Services. We offer consulting and training with a broad range of services and products for small businesses, corporations, education, and government computing environments. We are nationally recognized by companies such as Cisco, Meraki, Microsoft, HP, IBM, Promethean, Okidata, Epson, Ruckus, Symantec, and many, many more. Our four locations provide support in South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. We pride ourselves on our talented people who have helped shape our culture.